Dr. Chris Chang
Dr. Chris Chang is the founder of Beethoven Orthodontic Center and Newton’s A Inc. in Hsinchu, Taiwan. He received his PhD in Bone Physiology and Certificate in Orthodontics from Indiana University. He is a diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics and an active member of Angle Society-Midwest. Dr. Chang is the publisher of Journal of Digital Orthodontics and has authored and co-authored many orthodontic books, including Orthodontics Vols. 1-6, as well as Words of Wisdom, Jobsology and Trumpology.

He is the inventor of OrthoBoneScrews(OBSÒ).

Tema da palestra:
  • Simplificando sua mecânica para casos desafiadores
  • Correção de mordidaaberta
  • Mecânica TAD para aparelhos fixos vs. alinhadores
  • Cirurgias menores: Uma obrigação para a prática ortodôntica diária
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